Wednesday 7 September 2016

Riverside tea with the best scones EVER !

Sir Christopher Wren Hotel and Spa
52 Thames Street
Windsor, Berkshire
01753 442400
Pimms Afternoon Tea £25.50 per person 
August 2016

This was a last stop on what had proved to be a wonderful day out in Windsor to celebrate the retirement (from work not tea) of two of the afternoon tea ladies (SOOO jealous, they now have time for endless teas! ) 

We had requested seats on the patio when we booked but had been warned that as they were doing refurbishment it wouldn't be possible which was a shame. In fact although we'd had a glorious day of sunshine as we got to the hotel the clouds gathered and it started to rain, so we were quite glad of our window seats overlooking the River.

They don't look old enough to retire do they??

The glasses of Pimms were served quickly and we were give the tea menu to choose from - Darvilles teas and different coffees. We were slightly disappointed it was teabags but a good choice and the cups and teapots were pristine white .

The tea stand was brought which was a rather splendid glass and chrome affair - very traditional finger sandwiches: egg and cress; ham and English mustard; smoked salmon, cream cheese and cucumber; and mild cheddar cheese and tomato. They were very fresh tasting and generously filled - I did forget to ask if we could have more as I was very keen on getting started on those scones.

The scones did not disappoint - we all agreed they were some of the nicest we had tried - crumbly outside, moist and light inside and still warm- I nearly forgot to take a photo!

We felt slightly let down by the small jars of jam - it really should be in bowls, but the clotted cream was delicious and there was plenty for everyone.

Well after all that we barely had room for the patisserie selection but made a supreme effort and I especially enjoyed the chocolate eclair, and the fruit and cream tart . It was great that actually had one of each - its very annoying when you have to start cutting them in half so everyone can try a bit. We were also pleased that we could change our teas and there was also a coffee option if needed. 

So overall ... a good value afternoon tea - £25.50 per person inc the Pimms (NB April 2017 now £26.50) ) food was very tasty and the service impeccable.
The brasserie had a formal air - white table cloths and napkins and so on but managed to feel very relaxing. 
It was the final enjoyable stop on a great day out which included visiting Windsor Castle and a little boat trip along the Thames. 

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