Sunday 20 March 2016

Crazy Bear English Afternoon Tea

The Crazy Bear Beaconsfield
Old Town, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire HP9 1LX

A big birthday celebration for my friend Helen’s birthday – she has been before (see her GuestBlog here) and I've had the dim sum tea in Fitzrovia but she was keen for the ladies to experience it.

When you arrive it feels a bit like going into the Wonderland rabbit hole – its décor is amazing - full of crazy wall hangings and stuffed animals everywhere. 

The bar area was very shiny and very busy (It was a Saturday -  every table packed) but we were quickly shown to our table by one of the attentive staff.  I think  this was in the marquee which looks like it could be open in the summer onto the pool area.

This was great – each table had a heater, low sofas, lot of cushions and throws and fabric draped walls  and more wild ornaments and we were immediately brought our champagne, which is always a good start to any occasion I feel!

We were then invited to order our tea with a choice including the usuals:  Assam breakfast, Earl grey, etc but also some flowering teas : amaranth, osmanthus, jasmine and lily, and some fresh leaves -  whole chamomile flowers, Lemon Verbena, fresh peppermint leaves etc. I ordered a flowering amaranth , Helen had a fresh peppermint and others had coffee as they don’t like tea so everyone was happy. I did love my cute glass teapot.

Our tea stands arrived – not especially fancy plateware considering the surroundings, but very artfully arranged food.

We did love the sandwiches – not just the shape but the generous filling – due partly I think to their shape – but very flavoursome. Everyone had their favourite from Coronation chicken, (my least favourite – never understood the concept - sultanas and cold curry ???) ham hock with grain mustard mayonnaise,(my favourite)  egg mayonnaise with watercress, smoked salmon with herb mascarpone (close second for me )
Very good quality of moist bread too.

The scones were good, but as often happens being brought at the same time as the sandwiches,  weren’t warm anymore and we were slightly disappointed not to have homemade jam rather than small jars but they did pass the TeaLadyRebz test of crispy outside and fluffy inside so could almost be forgiven for the jam pots. 

There was a fine selection of pastries and mini cakes  the chocolate cake with the gold leaf was delicious, and the fruit tart with super fresh sweet berries was a winner for me. Although one pair of the group had to ask for more cakes as theirs had melted under the heater, this was brought willingly and apologetically. 

as they were...
Spot the cupcake  Brulee effect! 
One small silly thing was when we asked for our leftover cakes to be boxed up ... they came back like this... 

.... which is a bit of a shame as a cake box isn't too much to ask for . 

We did go on a Group On offer so can't expect to be a totally 5 star experience, but the staff, although busy, were very efficient fun and helpful. The place has a very relaxed feel as well as having  very comfortable seating.  However I was glad we weren't in the bar which looked lot less laid back and comfortable to have tea in.

As at the Fitzrovia branch the toilets need a special mention - all mirrored and sparkly floored - with a shared basin area with the boys toilet - no peeking ! 

I would definitely go again - next time in the summer and would LOVE to stay the night sometime - the postcards we were given of the bedrooms look amazing. 
Thanks Crazy Bears - we had a lovely girly afternon ! 

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