Sunday 11 January 2015

St Michael's Manor , St Albans ...not as good as we'd hoped ..

Fishpool StSt Albans AL3 4RY
Caron's Birthday tea January 2015

We were very excited about this Afternoon Tea as it was a special birthday treat (we live in Hertfordshire about 7 miles away) for one of the Ladies Who Regularly Take Tea, and the reviews we read were really good. I have been before, about 5 years ago and wasn't that impressed as we were basically left our own (it was a Wednesday I think and no-one else was there)we had to keep finding people every time we wanted anything. But as I say reviews good, its near where we live so wanted it to be good ! 
A charming lady on reception directed us to the lounge area which was a small delightful room  overlooking the lake, low sofas and little white cloth covered tables.   

We told the waiter we had booked for 3 and the waiter literally waved us to a nearby set of chairs, without asking our names, asked if he could take our coats and if we wanted a coffee or a cappuccino or a cup of tea – we said we had booked for afternoon tea and he looked a tad surprised although the table was very obviously set for 3 for tea .  
We were a disappointed  to be plonked on chairs with a table that was too low with some chairs pulled up  – it felt like we had been squeezed in last minute although we had booked and weren’t on a special  offer. 

We felt were in a bit of a corridor, everyone leaving the restaurant had to stroll past us to leave the hotel not near the fireplace and with no view, (but accept that not everyone can have the best seats, although seemed silly that 2 ladies that came after us had been put on the 2 double sofas by the fireplace  perhaps they had the foresight to book that table?) 

So we ordered our afternoon tea and Karen asked for her usual which was sandwiches with no mayonnaise, mustard or anything with vinegar. He did say the only thing with mayonnaise was the egg sandwiches and Karen could pick out the others from the plate that came or rather begrudgingly asked if she wanted hers on a separate plate to which she said yes please. It’s always a test for us – if they try and get out of doing this it’s obvious the sandwiches are not freshly made and all done in advance so they have to make more specially for fussypants herself! 
The restaurant was right next to where we were and it was very noisy – clearly there had been big Sunday lunch parties and the waiters seemed to be dealing with that AND the afternoon tea lounge with the result that we had to attract attention to ask every time we wanted anything – not once were we asked if everything was ok and did we need anything.  

That said, the food was nice – tea was in colourful pots although made with TEABAGS, (horrors) which is the first for me at an afternoon tea, part of the experience is the whole tea strainer affair , and the waiter just poured us tea straight off without checking it was ready so we all had a very weak first cup. 

Our 3 tier stand of food arrived – on the website there was no menu as such, so we were looking forward to hearing what we were about to eat …but no … no explanation offered , so we had to pick our way through and guess. There was no point asking as the poor waiters were all running about between the restaurant and tea lounge. That said, the sandwiches were top notch: thick, moist bread, generous fillings – cucumber and cream cheese, smoked salmon, egg mayonnaise, and smoked chicken. 
The scones were warm and tasty but very dry, more of a rock cake consistency – and we had to ask for more cream and jam as there wasn’t even enough for 3 scones let alone the 6 we were given. We also had to ask for more tea (none offered ) and we are fairly sure that what we got back was just in the same teapots with another bag and some water topped up.  

We did ask what the cakes were and a nice young waiter tried to tell us they were raspberry with cranberries on the top – we questioned why the cake was green , so he admitted defeat and went to ask the chef and came back to say it was pistachio with raspberry. None of us finished it (actually I noticed on the other tables most people had left it so perhaps need to rethink that one) 

Lovely raspberry (?again a guess) macaron although had a very soggy bottom (Mary Berry would be incensed) and delicious pot of chocolate mousse with salted caramel base. We discovered the reason for the soggy bottom macaron was because they had stuck it and the pot of mousse to the plate with a bit of caramel !

It sounds like we were being miserable – we really weren’t – we had a lovely time and always enjoy a laugh in each others company and we were perfectly full – flavours were delicious, and were relaxed and we didn’t feel rushed but the waiters were stressed and rushing. 
One small extra thing I also felt a bit sad about was that although it was very evidently Caron’s birthday – cards and presents were given and birthday cards on the table, none of the waiters commented or offered a birthday candle. Normally if I book it I make sure to say it’s a birthday treat (to be honest they normally ask) but as Caron had booked it herself she obviously didn’t say.
I have been here before about 5 years ago, during the week when it was very quiet so thought it would be busier and with better service this time round but this time  our experience may just have been because it was a Sunday and they were too busy with the remnants of Sunday lunch. Its also good value for money – at £17.50 a head (plus service added on) there was more than enough food. 

Would I go back ? Probably not – we are quite keen to try a few more local places out – but it’s hard to beat a London hotel afternoon tea so will be getting on the train back up to London next time.  To be honest it's easy to make a few sandwiches and buy a box of Mr Kipling's finest - what you pay for is someone serving you tea, explaining the sandwiches and pastries like they proudly made them by themselves , the quiet relaxed ambience that one would normally associate with an afternoon tea experience.  
Sadly this isn't what we got. 

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE 25.01.2015
    having seen my comments I must compliment the new manager of the hotel for getting in touch with me and saying how interested he was in my views and correcting an inaccuracy I had written about the fireplace. He promises afternoon tea will very special again soon !
