Monday 1 December 2014

So why am I doing this ?

My name is Mary, age 50 (ahem something) and I'm lucky enough to have a wonderful husband, two handsome strapping sons, 2 sisters, 2 brothers and 2 cats. I also have a 5 nieces (3 of whom are old enough to enjoy a tea too ) and  huge circle of girlfriends and now some their daughters  who love to go out and celebrate , and I love to help them ! 
My first afternoon tea was at the Ritz for my friends 50th in 2006 , and i must admit to thinking "HOW much for sandwiches and cake ?!!" but was totally hooked on the whole experience - (this is me beaming in the middle)
Since then I have been for so many afternoon teas that people are beginning to ask me where I would recommend, so I've had the idea that I should find a place (other than annoying people boasting about them on Facebook) for a while.
An Ex Primary School teacher, in my day job I now train adults and children on using all sorts of technology and software- and recently have been working on a project with some children in Camden on Blogging - and as I was talking to a group of them about the sorts of things you could blog about - your interests,  your passions etc one of them asked me if I had a blog - I said no rather sheepishly and another asked me what I would blog about if I did ... and I said ...well probably afternoon tea - all the children were fascinated and, gratifyingly so were all the adults in the room. 

So here it is . I'm going to start with the AMAZING tea I had at the Hotel Royale Cafe last week for my birthday, and i have 2 more booked in the next two weeks so have plenty to be going on with ! But I will be digging out old pictures too and writing about some of those too as I have time,

Hope you enjoy it - and do let me know if there's somewhere we should try - I'm sure it will be someone's birthday soon !!

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